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Dolphin Bay Marina Permitting & Mitigation

Bay County, Florida

ERC > Projects > Submerged Lands > Dolphin Bay Marina

ERC conducted state dredge and fill and Federal CWA 404 permitting on a 104 acre parcel for Suntech Resort Developers, Inc.

To facilitate wetland permitting on this parcel, ERC delineated the extent of the wetland habitats, provided secondary and cumulative impact assessments and wetland functional assessments with UMAM and WRAP, and developed a compensatory mitigation plan.

The project resulted in 2.00 (+/-) acres of wetland fill and 4.27 (+/-) acres of upland excavation.

The uplands were excavated to create a basin for a mooring facility that includes 64 boatslips for residents of the Dolphin Bay Development.

To offset the impacts, 25.16 (+/-) acres of on-site wetlands were placed in a conservation easement to be enhanced and preserved.

  • Project Highlights

    Suntech Resort Developers, Inc

    Bay County, Florida

    Project Size:
    104 (+/-) acres

    Impact Size:
    2.00 (+/-) acres

    Upland Cut Basin Size:
    4.27 (+/-) acres

    Mitigation Size:
    25.16 (+/-) acres

    ERC's Services Includes:

    • Wetland Delineation
    • Habitat Analysis
    • Listed Species Survey
    • Wetland Resource & Marina Permitting
    • Functional Assessment (WRAP & UMAM)
    • Mitigation Planning
      • success criteria
      • restoration method-
      • implement-
        ation timing
    • Mitigation Supervision