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Sweetwater Mitigation Bank

Bay, Gulf & Washington Counties, Florida

ERC > Projects > Mitigation Banks > Sweetwater Mitigation Bank

ERC obtained the MBI for Sweetwater Mitigation Bank (SMB) after conducting an initial feasibility analyses within the St. Andrews Bay Watershed. ERC collected data on the project site and within the greater watershed area to provide justification for the proposed service area and scope of the mitigation bank.

ERC conducted numerous on-site assessments to evaluate listed species, habitat classifications, habitat quality, restoration potential, wetland jurisdiction, and hydrological productivity.

The data was used to support the permitting process for SMB. ERC acted as agent for the applicant to the Mitigation Bank Review Team (included both Federal and State regulatory agencies) and negotiated a favorable MBI for the client.

Restoration consisted of converting a silvicultural, fire suppressed landscape to the historical ecological communities to increase ecological productivity and protect downstream water resources.

ERC provided the restoration planning and design for the bank and supervises the restoration activities, conducts monitoring and reporting, and provides adaptive management.

ERC has served as QMS for the previous 5 years and has successfully managed the site restoration.

  • Project Highlights

    Mr. James Maulden

    Bay, Gulf, & Washington Counties, Florida

    Project Size:
    850 (+/-) Acres

    ERC's Services Includes:

    • Habitat Assessment
    • Functional Assessment (UMAM)li>
    • Site Suitability Analysis
    • Watershed Habitat Analysis
    • Listed Species Assessment
    • Wetland Delineation
    • Market Analysis
      • potential credit need
      • credit value
    • Mitigation Bank Permitting
      • prospectus
      • mitigation bank instrument
      • restoration
    • GIS Analysis